Tuesday, 10 Sep 2019

Election of EASN's new Board of Directors
Election of EASN's new Board of Directors

The 10th EASN General Assembly took place in Athens on September 3rd, 2019 aside the 9th EASN International Conference. During the General Assembly, the Board of Directors was dissolved and candidates for a new BoD were announced. The EASN BoD election took place on Wednesday September 4th. In the subsequent first meeting of the new Board of Directors, the positions of the BoD members within the Board have been assigned. Following to the above, the composition of the new BoD is as following:

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Thursday, 29 Aug 2019

EASN Newsletter - August 2019
EASN Newsletter - August 2019

The third EASN Newsletter for 2019 is now published.

This issue includes updates on the main recent undertakings of the European Aeronautical community, as well as on some of the topmost upcoming news and events.

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Wednesday, 28 Aug 2019

Interview of Mr. Ron van Manen, Head of Strategic Development of Clean Sky JU
Interview of Mr. Ron van Manen, Head of Strategic Development of Clean Sky JU

Mr. Ron van Manen (short cv here) offered an interview about the challenges of the Aviation Sector for the next decades as well as the joint effort of the European Stakeholders to formulate the Clean Sky 3 Programme in the frame of the upcoming Horizon Europe.

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Thursday, 16 May 2019

EASN Newsletter - May 2019
EASN Newsletter - May 2019

The second EASN Newsletter for 2019 is now published. This edition includes interesting updates on the recent undertakings of the European Aeronautical community, as well as on some of the topmost upcoming news and events.

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Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Interview of Mr. Axel Krein, Executive Director of Clean Sky 2
Interview of Mr. Axel Krein, Executive Director of Clean Sky 2

Mr. Axel Krein (short CV here) share his thoughts on the occasion of taking on the role of Executive Director of Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking and on his perspective regarding the role of academia in CS 2 and the future of Aeronautics sector in Europe in general.

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Monday, 6 May 2019

Communication on Aeronautics Research of the European Aeronautics Science Network Association
Communication on Aeronautics Research of the European Aeronautics Science Network Association


The Board of Directors of the EASN Association released the attached Communication on "Aeronautics Research and Innovation in Horizon Europe".

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Monday, 8 Apr 2019

2019 <i>Aerospace</i> travel awards for PhD students
2019 Aerospace travel awards for PhD students

The Editor-in-Chief of Aerospace and the editorial team, are pleased to announce the invitation for applications for two Travel Awards (650 Swiss Francs each) for PhD students to attend a conference.

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Tuesday, 22 Jan 2019

EASN Newsletter - January 2019
EASN Newsletter - January 2019

The first EASN Newsletter for 2019 is now published.
This edition includes updates on the recent undertakings of the European Aeronautical community, as well as on some of the topmost upcoming news and events.

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Monday, 21 Jan 2019

Interview of Dr. Andreas Strohmayer, Professor for Aircraft Design at University of Stuttgart and Member of the Board of Directors of EASN
Interview of Dr. Andreas Strohmayer, Professor for Aircraft Design at University of Stuttgart and Member of the Board of Directors of EASN

One of EASN's objectives is to support the research activities of European academia in the field of aeronautics in order to incubate technological innovation and to disseminate knowledge. In this context EASN is proposing ASTORIA, a research infrastructure based on modular Unmanned Aerial Systems targeted at open Research and Innovation Actions in Europe. Within the EASN board of directors Andreas Strohmayer, together with Helge Pfeiffer and Spiros Pantelakis, has taken the lead of this initiative to take it to a next step.

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Friday, 18 Jan 2019

Interview with regards to Joint Paper on Aeronautics Research and Innovation in Horizon Europe
Interview with regards to Joint Paper on Aeronautics Research and Innovation in Horizon Europe

The EASN Association, the Association of European Research Establishments in Aeronautics (EREA) and the AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD), signed recently the Joint Paper on Aeronautics Research and Innovation in Horizon Europe. Dr. Jan Pie, Secretary General of ASD, Dr. Catalin Nae, EREA Chairman and Prof. Spiros Pantelakis, EASN Chairman share their thoughts on the importance of this joint approach.

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