Monday, 21 Oct 2013

3rd EASN workshop outcome
3rd EASN workshop outcome

The 3rd International workshop on Aerostructures of the European Aeronautics Science Network (EASN) was successfully hosted by Politecnico di Milano  from 9th until 11th October 2013 and was part of the celebratory activities of the 150° Anniversary of the foundation of Politecnico di Milano.


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Wednesday, 2 Oct 2013

H2020 Work Programme 2014-2015 IMG4/ EREA/ EASN expectations and recommendations
H2020 Work Programme 2014-2015 IMG4/ EREA/ EASN expectations and recommendations

IMG4, EREA and EASN have jointly defined some expectations and recommendations for the Transport theme in the H2020 Work Programme 2014 and 2015. The aim is to ensure within Horizon 2020 an appropriate response of the aviation sector in terms of R&TD to the societal, environmental and economic challenges

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Wednesday, 31 Jul 2013

3rd International EASN Association Workshop on Aerostructures
3rd International EASN Association Workshop on Aerostructures

The first tentative agenda of the 3rd EASN International Workshop on Aerostructures is now available.

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Thursday, 25 Jul 2013

EASN Newsletter - July 2013
EASN Newsletter - July 2013

The second periodic EASN newsletter of 2013 is now published...

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Thursday, 25 Jul 2013

EASN newsletter -July 2011
EASN newsletter -July 2011

The first periodic EASN newsletter is now published...

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Tuesday, 23 Jul 2013

EASN Consultancy to EU
EASN Consultancy to EU

EASN chairman met with the EC officers Remy Denos, Michael Kyriakopoulos, Marco Brusati as well as with the Head of Aeronautics Unit, Tiit Jurimae and Director Manuela Soares in Brussels on June 7th, 2013.

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Friday, 12 Jul 2013

EASN Newsletter - July 2012
EASN Newsletter - July 2012

The fourth periodic EASN newsletter is now published...

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Friday, 21 Jun 2013

Expression of Interst Campaign
Expression of Interst Campaign

EASN launches the Expression of Interest campaign for selecting the proposals to be endorsed by EASN for the first call of the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation

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Tuesday, 19 Mar 2013

EASN Newsletter - March 2012
EASN Newsletter - March 2012

The third periodic EASN newsletter is now published...

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