Friday, 15 Mar 2013

EASN Newsletter - March 2013
EASN Newsletter - March 2013

The first periodic EASN newsletter of 2013 is now published...

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Friday, 15 Mar 2013

Interview of Professor Spiros Pantelakis, Chairman of the EASN Association
Interview of Professor Spiros Pantelakis, Chairman of the EASN Association

Professor Spiros Pantelakis, Chairman of the EASN Association, comments on the Horizon 2020 and highlights the main points of the EASN position paper on Horizon 2020.

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Thursday, 14 Mar 2013

Progress in the activities of ACARE Monitoring Group presented by the EASN representative Prof. J. Rohacs
Progress in the activities of ACARE Monitoring Group presented by the EASN representative Prof. J. Rohacs

ACARE Monitoring Group is a group of representatives of the ACARE stakeholders.
The Monitoring Group is a permanent group of ACARE in charge of monitoring the progress in development of aeronautics, aeronautical industry and air transport against the objectives defined for middle and long term strategic documents.

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Thursday, 14 Mar 2013

EU-Russia Research cooperation, a chance for mutual benefits
EU-Russia Research cooperation, a chance for mutual benefits

Summarised and described by Prof. Zdobyslaw Goraj, Member of EASN Board of Directors

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Monday, 11 Mar 2013

Views and opinions on International collaboration
Views and opinions on International collaboration


  • Mr Alessandro Damiani (Head of Unit, European Commission DG RTD), Mr Stephen Godwin (Director, Studies and Special Programs of the TRB) and Dr George Kotsikos (Newrail, Newcastle University, HERMES project coordinator) share their views on the importance of International collaboration in Transport research and the way forward.


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Friday, 8 Mar 2013

EASN endorsed projects for the 6th FP7 call: Outcome and lessons learned
EASN endorsed projects for the 6th FP7 call: Outcome and lessons learned

Having coordinated the EASN projects endorsement process and now knowing the final outcome, I feel the obligation to share with all the EASN members and especially with those who actively assisted and participated in the process the final results and some main conclusions from my point of view.

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Tuesday, 19 Feb 2013

Workshop on Clean Sky 2 dedicated to Academia
Workshop on Clean Sky 2 dedicated to Academia

15/03/2013, 09:00 - 16:30
Clean Sky Joint Undertaking 7th Floor
Avenue de la Toison d'Or 56/60
Brussels 1060

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Tuesday, 4 Dec 2012

Interview of Mr. Eric Dautriat, Executive Director of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking
Interview of Mr. Eric Dautriat, Executive Director of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking

Mr. Eric Dautriat, in his capacity of Executive Director of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking, explains the current status of the negotiations regarding "Clean Sky 2" and its main goals.

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Monday, 3 Dec 2012

Interview of Mr Giovanni Bertolone, Chairman of the ASD R&T Commission
Interview of Mr Giovanni Bertolone, Chairman of the ASD R&T Commission

Mr. Giovanni Bertolone, in his capacity of Chairman of R&T Commission in ASD shared his views and opinions on the cooperation of the European Aeronautics Industry with the Academia.

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Saturday, 24 Nov 2012

EASN participation at the ASD Convention
EASN participation at the ASD Convention

EASN had a significant presence at the last ASD Convention which was held in Lisbon on October 10-12, 2012. This presence is indicative of the very good cooperation and relations between the Association of AeroSpace and Defence Industries and the European Aeronautics Science Network Association.

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