Thursday, 24 Apr 2014

EASN Newsletter - April 2014
EASN Newsletter - April 2014

The first periodic EASN newsletter of 2014 is now published.

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Wednesday, 23 Apr 2014

Interview of Mr. Jean-Louis Bonafe, former coordinator of the SCRATCH initiative for SMEs, by Prof. Sp. Pantelakis
Interview of Mr. Jean-Louis Bonafe, former coordinator of the SCRATCH initiative for SMEs, by Prof. Sp. Pantelakis

Mr. Jean-Louis Bonafe, a key personality in supporting aeronautics innovative research for SMEs in Europe, expresses his views on how SMEs can respond in their indispensable role in retaining global leadership for Europe in Aeronautics.

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Friday, 24 Jan 2014

CS2-EASN Joint Workshop on the Participation of Academia in Clean Sky 2
CS2-EASN Joint Workshop on the Participation of Academia in Clean Sky 2

The CS2-EASN Joint Workshop on the Participation of Academia in Clean Sky 2 was successfully realized on Thursday, January 23rd at the premises of Clean Sky JU in Brussels, Belgium. 

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Thursday, 19 Dec 2013

EASN newsletter - December 2011
EASN newsletter - December 2011

The second periodic EASN newsletter is now published...

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Monday, 16 Dec 2013

Clean sky II - EASN workshop
Clean sky II - EASN workshop

Clean Sky 2 and EASN Association carried out a joint Workshop on the participation and role of Academia in Clean Sky 2. The Workshop was held on the 23rd of January 2014 and was hosted at the premises of Clean Sky JU in Brussels.

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Friday, 6 Dec 2013

H2020 experts registration
H2020 experts registration

Do not forget to register as a prospective independent expert to assist Commission services with tasks in connection with Horizon 2020. Information can be found at http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/data/support/h2020_call-individual_experts_oj_c342_03.pdf

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Thursday, 5 Dec 2013

EASN Newsletter - December 2012
EASN Newsletter - December 2012

The fifth periodic EASN newsletter is now published...

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Monday, 2 Dec 2013

EASN Newsletter - November 2013
EASN Newsletter - November 2013

The third periodic EASN newsletter of 2013 is now published...

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Friday, 22 Nov 2013

European Aeronautics Science Week
European Aeronautics Science Week

European Aeronautics Science Week is expected to be an important and highly visited open event that will take place in all 28 EU countries. 

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Monday, 21 Oct 2013

EASN position paper on academia involvement in Horizon 2020
EASN position paper on academia involvement in Horizon 2020

In view of the next Framework Programme, referred to as "Horizon 2020", EASN Association formed and  published a position paper on the academia involvement in Horizon 2020.

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