Thursday, 6 Nov 2014

Fly Your Ideas 2015 is underway - spread the word!
Fly Your Ideas 2015 is underway - spread the word!

Airbus challenges students worldwide to innovate for the future of aviation.

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Wednesday, 5 Nov 2014

International cooperation in aeronautics with Canada,MG-1.9-2015
International cooperation in aeronautics with Canada,MG-1.9-2015

Canada-EU coordinated call on Aeronautics research - Opened Canada-EU call for aeronautics research projects in Canada - Dedicated workshop in Ottawa on 19 Nov 2014

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Thursday, 30 Oct 2014

European Aeronautics Science Week (EASW)
European Aeronautics Science Week (EASW)

European Aeronautics Science Week (EASW) is expected to be an important and highly visited open event which will take place in Universities and research Institutes of the 28 EU countries, on the second half of March 2015.

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Friday, 1 Aug 2014

AircraftFire project Final Workshop
AircraftFire project Final Workshop

AircraftFire: Fire risks assessment and increase of passenger survivability
Toulouse, France, 9th-10th September 2014

This final AircraftFire Workshop brings together interested people from science (researchers from academia and research centers), from industry (engineers, aircraft designers, parts manufacturers) and professionals from or related to public services, who are working and involved in the field of Fire Safety in aeronautics.

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Thursday, 24 Jul 2014

2nd HIKARI Open Workshop
2nd HIKARI Open Workshop

The Consortium of the HIKARI project is organizing the 2nd HIKARI Open Workshop on the topic of High Speed Transport (HST). The Workshop will be held on September 24th - 25th 2014 and will be kindly hosted at the premises of the European Commission.

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Thursday, 10 Jul 2014

EASN Newsletter - July 2014
EASN Newsletter - July 2014

The second periodic EASN newsletter of 2014 is now published.

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Tuesday, 8 Jul 2014

Interview of Prof. Jan van Ingen on European Aviation Engineering Education and Accreditation
Interview of Prof. Jan van Ingen on European Aviation Engineering Education and Accreditation

Prof. Jan van Ingen, Emeritus Professor of Aerodynamics and Dean of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at TU Delft, reviews, appraises and recommends, on the existing European Aviation Engineering Educational system. Moreover, Prof. Jan van Ingen expresses his views on the usefulness and potential benefits of establishing a common European accreditation system in the near future.

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Tuesday, 8 Jul 2014

Interview of Prof. Franco Bernelli Zazzera on European Aviation Engineering Education and Accreditation
Interview of Prof. Franco Bernelli Zazzera on European Aviation Engineering Education and Accreditation

Prof. Franco Bernelli Zazzera, Chairman of PEGASUS and Head of Dept. of Aerospace Science and Technology - Politecnico di Milano, provides an interview on the quality of the current aviation engineering education in Europe. Further to that, he expresses his views on the usefulness of creating an integrated Europe-wide aviation system by harmonizing the content of the curricula for aviation engineers, as well as he comments on the utility of establishing a common European accreditation system.

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Thursday, 12 Jun 2014

Research and Education in Aircraft Design 2014 (READ 2014)
Research and Education in Aircraft Design 2014 (READ 2014)

October 15, 2014-October 17, 2014 

The 11th International Seminar "Research and Education in Aircraft Design" (READ 2014) will be held in 15-17 October, 2014 at the "COMFORT" Hotel (Mindaugo st.27). The organizer of the seminar is Antanas Gustaitis Aviation Institute of Vilnius Gediminas? Technical University.

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Tuesday, 13 May 2014


The workshop will be taking place on May 22nd MAY,2014 at LEITAT Technological Center, Spain in collaboration with Dassault Aviation and CleanSky JTI. The scope of the workshop is to attract interdisciplinary work dedicated to the development and implementation of antimicrobial coatings for the aeronautics industry. The workshop is free in order to register please, send an email at: abilal@leitat.org

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