Monday, 20 Jul 2015

EASN Newsletter - July 2015
EASN Newsletter - July 2015

The second periodic EASN newsletter of 2015 is now published.

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Monday, 20 Jul 2015

Interview of Professor Spiros Pantelakis, Chairman of the EASN Association
Interview of Professor Spiros Pantelakis, Chairman of the EASN Association

Professor Spiros Pantelakis, Chairman of the EASN Association, shares his thoughts on the implementation of H2020 in Aeronautics.

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Thursday, 16 Apr 2015

EASN Newsletter - April 2015
EASN Newsletter - April 2015

The first periodic EASN newsletter of 2015 is now published.

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Sunday, 15 Mar 2015

Promo - Air project Final Workshop
Promo - Air project Final Workshop

Promo - Air project invites you to its Final Workshop which will take place on April 23rd 2015, in Brussels, Belgium.

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Monday, 9 Mar 2015

Clarification on EU-China call
Clarification on EU-China call

Following some questions received from a number of EASN members regarding the currently open EU-China collaborative call, EASN tried to ensure that the call is as open and accessible as possible for the European Academia. After our intervention towards the EC, the following clarifications were  provided: 

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Tuesday, 24 Feb 2015

Interview with ACARE chairman Peter F. Hartman (KLM-Air France), assisted by Ruben M. Ablas and  Michiel Q. Laumans
Interview with ACARE chairman Peter F. Hartman (KLM-Air France), assisted by Ruben M. Ablas and Michiel Q. Laumans

Peter F. Hartman, chairman of ACARE and Vice-Chairman Air France KLM, evaluates the ACARE goals and long-term strategy, appraises the potential role of Academia on realizing these goals, as well as expresses his views on the new set-up of the Horizon2020 Programme.

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Friday, 12 Dec 2014

European Conference on
European Conference on "Transport safety: societal challenges, research solutions" - Final statement

Within the programme of activities of the Italian Presidency of the EU, the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR) and the European Commission have successfully organised a European conference on 'Transport safety: societal challenges, research solutions', which took place in Genova, Italy, on 4-5 December 2014.

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Thursday, 11 Dec 2014

EASN Newsletter - December 2014
EASN Newsletter - December 2014

The third periodic EASN newsletter of 2014 is now published.

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Monday, 8 Dec 2014

Interview of Prof. Dieter Schmitt
Interview of Prof. Dieter Schmitt

Prof. Dieter Schmitt reviews and evaluates the up to date achievements of Aeronautics-related research in Europe and accordingly appraises the prospects of research and innovation for the future.

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Monday, 8 Dec 2014

EASN honors Prof. Dieter Schmitt
EASN honors Prof. Dieter Schmitt

During the last decades Prof. Dieter Schmitt has been recognized as one of the key personalities of the European aeronautics community. His career includes both an impressive industrial part as well as a high quality academic aspect.

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