Thursday, 5 Oct 2017

EASN Association position paper on the expected FP9
EASN Association position paper on the expected FP9

The BoD of EASN Association released on the 25th September 2017 a position paper on the expected FP9.

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Tuesday, 3 Oct 2017

7th EASN International Conference on Innovation in European Aeronautics Research
7th EASN International Conference on Innovation in European Aeronautics Research

The EASN Association, the Warsaw University of Technology (Faculty of Power & Aeronautical Engineering - Institute of Aeronautics & Applied Mechanics - Department of Aircraft Design) and the Conference Organisers would like to say a big thank you to Key Note Speakers, Session Chairs, Authors and Presenters, the members of the Scientific Committee and everyone else who has contributed to make this Conference, the largest, and most comprehensive gathering of the Association yet.

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Wednesday, 13 Sep 2017

EASN Newsletter - September 2017
EASN Newsletter - September 2017

The third EASN Newsletter for 2017 is now published.

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Wednesday, 13 Sep 2017

Interview to EASN Newsletter by Dr. Marian Lubieniecki, Managing Director and Site Leader at GE Engineering Design Center
Interview to EASN Newsletter by Dr. Marian Lubieniecki, Managing Director and Site Leader at GE Engineering Design Center

As this year's 7th EASN International Conference is co-organized by the EASN Association and the Warsaw University of Technology, Dr. Marian Lubieniecki, Managing Director and Site Leader at GE Engineering Design Center (Institute of Aviation), gladly accepted our invitation to set the scene of the Polish Aeronautics Sector. In his interview he introduces the Engineering Design Center and talks to us about "Design & Research Philosophy in the Environment of Global Competition".  

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Wednesday, 13 Sep 2017

Interview of Mr. Hannes Ross, Design Advisor and Consultant for the Swiss Project Solar Impulse
Interview of Mr. Hannes Ross, Design Advisor and Consultant for the Swiss Project Solar Impulse

Mr. Hannes Ross, Design Advisor and Consultant for the Swiss Project Solar Impulse, will be one of the eleven distinguished personalities of the Aeronautics Community which will give a Key-Note Lecture in the frame of the 7th EASN International Conference. In his interview he narrates the success story of traveling aroung the world with a Solar Powered Aircraft.

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Wednesday, 13 Sep 2017

Interview to EASN Newsletter by Dr. Christos Vasilakos, Senior Policy Officer in Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking
Interview to EASN Newsletter by Dr. Christos Vasilakos, Senior Policy Officer in Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking

EASN Association is pleased to host an interview of Dr. Christos Vasilakos, former Secretary General in General Secretariat for Research & Technology and Chairman of the European Competitiveness Council, Research and Space, during the Hellenic Presidency of the European Council in 2014. He was also the Head of the Research, Technology and Space Unit of the Greek Delegation in European Union and Director of Research in NCSR.   

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Tuesday, 25 Apr 2017

EASN Newsletter - April 2017
EASN Newsletter - April 2017

The second EASN Newsletter for 2017 is now published.

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Thursday, 20 Apr 2017

Interview with the Future Leaders
Interview with the Future Leaders

Dr. Fei Gao, Dr. Vincenzo Citro and Dr. Angeliki Chanteli, the winners of the Best Clean Sky PhD Awards competition, who received their awards during the second day of the Clean Sky Closing Event, share their views on the future of Aeronautics.

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Thursday, 20 Apr 2017

Interviews of Mr. Christophe Hermans and Prof. Spiros Pantelakis about the Cooperation Agreement between CEAS and EASN
Interviews of Mr. Christophe Hermans and Prof. Spiros Pantelakis about the Cooperation Agreement between CEAS and EASN

For the second newsletter of 2017, the EASN Association is pleased to host an interview between  Mr. Christophe Hermans and Prof. Spiros Pantelakis about the established Cooperation Agreement between CEAS and EASN.

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Wednesday, 18 Jan 2017

Position paper on the interim evaluation of the H2020
Position paper on the interim evaluation of the H2020

The EASN Association has published a position paper on the interim evaluation of the H2020. You can find it and download it here.

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