Monday, 9 Jan 2017

EASN Newsletter - January 2017
EASN Newsletter - January 2017

The first EASN Newsletter for 2017 is now published.

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Monday, 9 Jan 2017

Interview of Dr. Dietrich Knoerzer, former senior Scientific Officer in the Aviation Unit of the Directorate of Transport Research within the Directorate General for Research & Innovation
Interview of Dr. Dietrich Knoerzer, former senior Scientific Officer in the Aviation Unit of the Directorate of Transport Research within the Directorate General for Research & Innovation

For the first newsletter of 2017, the EASN Association is pleased to host an interview with Dr. Dietrich Knoerzer who retired after been part for 28 year of the European Commission's aeronautics research programme.

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Thursday, 27 Oct 2016

6th EASN International Conference on Innovation in European Aeronautics Research
6th EASN International Conference on Innovation in European Aeronautics Research

The 6th EASN International Conference, the largest gathering of the Association yet, was successfully held in Porto, Portugal, from 18th to 21st of October 2016.

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Friday, 7 Oct 2016

2016 EASN General Assembly
2016 EASN General Assembly

The annual General Assembly will take place at the Crowne Plaza hotel in Porto, Portugal, on October 19th 2016 at 11:00, as part of the EASN conference.

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Tuesday, 13 Sep 2016

EASN Newsletter - September 2016
EASN Newsletter - September 2016

The third EASN Newsletter for 2016 is now published.

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Monday, 12 Sep 2016

Interview of Rui Marcelino, chairman of the Portuguese Aeronautic Industry Association (PEMAS)
Interview of Rui Marcelino, chairman of the Portuguese Aeronautic Industry Association (PEMAS)

Rui Marcelino introduces the PEMAS network and talks about "Driving Change Through Design".

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Monday, 12 Sep 2016

Interview of Eric Dautriat, executive director of the European Clean Sky Programme
Interview of Eric Dautriat, executive director of the European Clean Sky Programme

Eric Dautriat, after leading the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking for 7 years, this September is moving on to a new chapter in his career. In this frame the EASN Association is pleased to host an interview where he shares his views and assesses the project's added value and impact.

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Tuesday, 21 Jun 2016

EASN Newsletter - June 2016
EASN Newsletter - June 2016

The second EASN Newsletter for 2016 is now published.

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Tuesday, 21 Jun 2016

Interview of Bruno Sainjon, Chairman and CEO of ONERA and newly elected Chairman of EREA
Interview of Bruno Sainjon, Chairman and CEO of ONERA and newly elected Chairman of EREA

Bruno Sainjon Chairman and CEO of ONERA and newly elected Chairman of EREA shares his views on the significance of long-term upstream research for Aeronautics and he assesses the perspectives for performing aeronautics-related upstream research within H2020 and FP9.

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Friday, 17 Jun 2016

Interview of Victoria Mozo Montemayor and Manuel Sanchez-Blanco on Alternative Fuels
Interview of Victoria Mozo Montemayor and Manuel Sanchez-Blanco on Alternative Fuels

Victoria Mozo Montemayor, expert in policy development referred to biofuels on aviation and Manuel Sanchez-Blanco, Mining Engineer from SENASA, talks about the current researches on Alternative Fuels, the social impacts and the challenges on convincing Air Carriers to implement them.

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