EASN Newsletter - March 2018

EASN Newsletter - March 2018

March 27th, 2018

The second EASN Newsletter for 2018 is now published.

This edition includes updates on the recent undertakings of the European Aeronautical community, as well as on some of the topmost upcoming news and events.

First of all, it presents the dual event to be held by the EASN Association, in Brussels on April 12th, 2018, i.e. the 2nd Parliamentary Breakfast and the Open EASN Workshop under the common topic "Accelerated impact of academic aviation research for improved air transport for all European citizens". The significance of these events is underlined in an interesting interview from the Chairman of the EASN Association, Prof. Spiros Pantelakis.

Moreover, this EASN Newsletter contains updated information about the 8th EASN-CEAS International Workshop on "Manufacturing for Growth & Innovation" to take place on September 4th to September 7th, 2018, in Glasgow, UK. The current newsletter also presents the status of the first in the series of the Continuous Professional Development courses, which were recently introduced by EASN. This course will take place on September 7th, 2018 in Glasgow, UK. The importance of the Initiative for Science in Europe, and the role of EASN Association therein are presented by Dr. Helge Pfeiffer, senior researcher at the KU Leuven and General Secretary of the European Aeronautics Science Network - EASN.

Additionally, this issue provides two very stimulating interviews related to activities in which the EASN Association is involved: In the first interview, Dr. Jean Francois Brouckaert, Project Officer Sustainable and Green Engines at Clean Sky, presents the aims of the action Clean Sky Academy for young researchers. In the second one, the President of ACARE INCO Group Dr. Guy Gallic gives the rationale behind the so called initiative "ACARE INCO" (International Cooperation) with main aim to address International Cooperation in the field of aviation.

Finally, the current issue holds a series of other engaging topics including the latest achievements and results of several EU-funded research projects and members of the EASN Association.

The newsletter is available for on-line viewing here.