EASN Newsletter - November 2013

EASN Newsletter - November 2013

December 2nd, 2013

The third periodic EASN newsletter of 2013 is now published...

The current newsletter includes, among others, important information regarding the EASN position on Horizon 2020 and the Academia involvement in it, as well as the joint view of IMG4, EREA and EASN with respect to the following Framework Programme.

This newsletter issue also includes an overview of the recently held EASN Workshop on Aerostructures in Milan, as well as announcements for the upcoming joint CS2-EASN Workshop and 4rth EASN Workshop on Flight Physics and Design in Aachen.

Finally, progress news from EASN endorsed projects, EASN members and latest news in the aeronautical industry are also included. 

The newsletter is available for on-line viewing here.