EASN Position paper on HORIZON2020
In view of the next Framework Programme, referred to as "Horizon 2020", the European Aeronautics Science Network formed and published a position paper with respect to the Horizon 2020 Work Programme, as well as one about the Academia involvement in it. Among others, the EASN General Assembly expressed its concern about the extremely low budget available for collaborative research in Aeronautics in the frame of H2020. In this context, EASN Association asks for an increased European budget for research and accordingly for an increased budget for Aeronautics research. Finally, the eminent need for a sufficient participation of Academia in the frame of Horizon 2020 is stressed. For more information download the "EASN position paper on Horizon 2020" and the "EASN position paper on academia involvement in Horizon 2020" here.
Joint CS2-EASN Workshop
Clean Sky 2 and EASN Association are organizing a joint Workshop on the participation and role of Academia in Clean Sky 2. The Workshop will be held on the 23rd of January 2014 and will be kindly hosted at the premises of Clean Sky JU in Brussels. More information will be published soon on the EASN website.
3rd International EASN Workshop on aerostructures
The 3rd EASN International Workshop on Aerostructures was successfully hosted by Politecnico di Milano from 9th until 11th October 2013. More than 120 participants from Industry, research organizations and Academia attended the Workshop and a total of 90 presentations were performed in 3 parallel sessions. In addition, 36 scientific papers have been published in the Workshop proceedings, some of which will be selected and submitted in scientific journals. Moreover, scientific results from 27 running research projects were presented thus accenting the Workshop as a major European dissemination event for new knowledge and emerging technologies related to aerostructures. Consequently, it is expected that the works presented during the three-day EASN Workshop will have a strong impact on addressing new researches and projects. Furthermore, well known invited speakers updated the delegates about the newest opportunities for carrying out aeronautics related research as well as on applying for European funds. You can donwload the performed presentations from the EASN website.
4th International EASN Workshop on Flight Physics and Aircraft Design
The European Aeronautics Science Network is delighted to announce that the 4th out of a series of annual specialized Workshops, this time in the fields of Flight Physics and Aircraft Design, will be held on October 27-29, 2014 in Aachen, Germany in the premises of RWTH Aachen University. In the frame of EASN Association's knowledge and innovation dissemination activities, this three-day event primarily aims to offer its participants a forum to meet and present among relative audience, the latest advancements in the areas of Flight Physics and Aircraft Design, together with novel and innovative ideas for future research. The 4th EASN Workshop on Flight Physics and Aircraft Design is expected to be, like its predecessors, a major dissemination event for running research projects. Useful information about the Workshop along with registration instructions will be published soon on the EASN website.
IMG4, EREA, EASN joint position paper
IMG4, EREA and EASN have jointly defined and published a number of expectations and recommendations for the Transport theme in the Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2014 and 2015. The main aim is to ensure that within the latter, there is an appropriate response of the aviation sector in terms of R&TD to the societal, environmental and economic challenges. You can download the "H2020 Work Programme 2014-2015 IMG4/EREA/EASN expectations and recommendations" position paper, on the EASN website.
BoD election
During the 3rd International EASN Association Workshop on Aerostructures in Milan on 9th-11th October 2013, the new EASN Board of Directors (BoD), which will lead the EASN Association's activities for the forthcoming three years, was elected by the General Assembly. The new BoD of the EASN Association consists of six (6) members and, namely, it is composed by: The EASN President: Prof. Spiros Pantelakis; the Vice President: Prof. Zdobyslaw Goraj; the Secretary General: Dr. Helge Pfeiffer; the Treasurer: Prof. Mario Guagliano; the Scientific Advisory Officer: Prof. Dimitris Drikakis; and the Industrial Advisory Officer: Prof. Eike Stumpf. During its first meeting in Brussels on the 15th of November 2013, the newly elected Board of Directors defined, inter alia, each member's role and responsibilities, as well as the main targets and priorities of the EASN Association for the upcoming period.
4th EASN General Assembly
The 4th General Assembly of the European Aeronautics Science Network was carried out on October 10, 2013 during the 3rd EASN International Workshop on Aerostructures in Milan. The EASN General Assembly, in the course of which a plethora of important issues were presented and discussed, was attended by 48 EASN members. During the General Assembly, a review of the EASN Association's main activities, achievements as well as a financial synopsis of the year 2013 took place. Additionally, numerous proposed actions, objectives and priorities for the next period were presented by the EASN Chairman, Prof. Spiros Pantelakis, and approved by the participants. Last but not least, during the 4th General Assembly of the Association, the election of the new Board of Directors (BoD) also took place.
EASN has delegated experts into the Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research in Europe (ACARE). ACARE is a joint initiative of 25 European states for improving the competitive situation of Europe in aviation. The relevant aviation research and innovation activities were described in the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) containing recommendations for the decision-makers in the European Parliament, the European Commission as well as for the member states with respect to priorities of aviation research for the next decennia.
Working Group 1 is concerned with "Meeting Societal and Market Needs". The respective Flightpath 2050 document has identified 5 major goals: 1) Europeans make informed mobility choices enabling affordable access to one another 2) 90% of travellers within Europe are able travelling door-to-door within 4 hours, using different transport modes 3) Flights arrive within 1 minute of the planned arrival time regardless of weather conditions. 4) An air traffic management system handles at least 25 million flights a year and 5) A coherent ground infrastructure is developed for servicing and other connecting facilities.
After providing both volumes of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda, the WG1 has decided to proceed with their work on a continuous base. The target is to follow-up the implementation of the ACARE goals at European and partially also at national level. The group follows-up the developments with respect to Horizon 2020 accordingly. Furthermore, it is important to establish or support related Coordination and Supporting Actions (CSA) that monitor the progress of the achievements of the ACARE goals. One of those projects is the CATER project (Coordinating Air transport Time Efficiency Research) where EASN is also a consortium partner. This CSA (Coordination and Supporting Action) investigates the implementation of the ACARE goals for the research coordination on Time Efficiency in air transport systems. For more information, please visit www.acare4europe.org.
Observatory Platform Technological and Institutional (OPTI)
The FP7 OPTI project (Observatory Platform Technological and Institutional - Observation platform to assess the fulfilment of Vision 2020 goals from technological and institutional standpoints) has evaluated the achievements towards the targets in aeronautical research that are set by the ACARE 2020 goals. For this purpose, technical goals and institutional enablers were identified and analysed to provide the European Commission and other stakeholders with the most recent information on the progress with respect to the achievements.
The final report was provided recently and it is used by the European Commission to set the priorities for the next research programmes on aeronautics. EASN was represented in OPTI as member of the Advisory Board and Work Group leader for the ACARE 2020 goal "Quality and Affordability". External website link for more information: OPTI on CORDIS.