Newly elected Board of Directors of the EASN Association

Newly elected Board of Directors of the EASN Association

October 12th, 2010

The 2nd EASN General Assembly took place in Paris on October 7th, 2010. During the Assembly, the new Board of Directors who will represent EASN for the next 3 years was elected.

For the new BoD, 10 University professors from 8 different countries were candidates. Based on the outcome of the voting procedure, the new BoD of EASN is as follows:

- President: Prof. Spiros Pantelakis, University of Patras
- Vice-President: Prof. Peter Horst, TU Braunschweig
- Secretary General: Prof. Fulvia Quagliotti, Politechnico di Torino
- Treasurer: Prof. Mario Guagliano, Poditechnico di Milano
- Scientific Advisory Officer: Prof. Jozsef Rohacs, Budapest University of Technology
- Industrial Advisory - Officer: Prof. Robert Mines, University of Liverpool