Invitation to the 1st EASN Association WORKSHOP on Aerostructures and the 2nd GENERAL ASSEMBLY of the EASN Association

Invitation to the 1st EASN Association WORKSHOP on Aerostructures and the 2nd GENERAL ASSEMBLY of the EASN Association

May 13th, 2010

October 7th - 8th 2010, Suresnes, Paris

Two years have passed since the EASN Association was funded as an independent European association for coordinating and supporting the interests of universities in Europe, which are active in Aerospace related research, and facilitate academia to perform funded research. In this frame, four proposals endorsed and supported by EASN are likely to be funded within the 3rd FP7 call. One of the main tasks of EASN is to promote the dissemination of knowledge within its members, as well as the transfer of new technologies originating from academia research to the Industry. To support this, the EASN Association is organizing the first workshop, dedicated to the wider area of Aerostructures. In this workshop, recent advancements of running research projects, as well as fundamental research results from the academic world will be presented. The workshop also aims to act as a forum for discussion which will possibly identify the next step towards the implementation of these technologies and the preparation of new Academia driven proposals. More information about the workshop can be found on

During this 2-day event, the General Assembly of the EASN Association and the elections for the new Board of Directors will also take place. The 1st elected Board of Directors had the task to set up the mechanisms which will allow the EASN Association to continue functioning on a self-funded base. In the meantime, the work of EASN in ACARE, the support and coordination of its members and the services offered for knowledge dissemination had to continue, so as to retain the reputation and visibility EASN has earned so far. The General Assembly meeting will discuss the achievements of the first BoD, set the frame and provide guidelines and input for the next BoD. More information about the procedure which will be followed can be found on