November 9th, 2020
The decarbonization of the aviation is of paramount importance for the future of the sector envisaged by the EU New Green Deal.
This important topic has been deeply analysed within the 3rd Year Report of the EU H2020 Project PARE- Perspectives for Aeronautical Research in Europe (GA 769220).
We would like to invite you to participate in the live webinar on "DECARBONIZATION OF AVIATION" that will take place in virtual mode next Friday, November 13th, at 15.00 CET.
The theme of decarbonization will be analysed from different perspectives in a one and half hour of live presentations and 30 minutes of open discussion.
The participation in the webinar is FREE and NO REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. The link to the live event is available at
The webinar on Decarbonization of Aviation is part of a series organized to disseminate relevant results achieved by the PARE project. All webinars will be in virtual mode to comply with the constraints imposed by the pandemic.