Interview of Prof. Costas Charitidis an Prof. Spiros Pantelakis, Co-Chairmen of the 9th EASN International Conference

Interview of Prof. Costas Charitidis an Prof. Spiros Pantelakis, Co-Chairmen of the 9th EASN International Conference

October 17th, 2018

The 9th EASN International Conference Co-Chairmen, Costas Charitidis, Professor at the School of Chemical Engineering of NTUA and Head of the "Research Unit of Advanced, Composite, Nano Materials & Nanotechnology - R-NanoLab" (short CV here) and Spiros Pantelakis, Professor at the University of Patras, Chairman of the EASN Association and Head of the Laboratory of Technology & Strength of Materials (LTSM) (short CV here), share their thoughts on the importance of 9th EASN International Conference which will be held in Athens, Greece from the 3rd until the 6th of September 2019.

Q1. What are the aims of the 9th EASN International Conference on "Innovation in Aviation and Space"?

Prof. Spiros Pantelakis:
Over the years, the EASN Conference has been established as a major European dissemination event. The 9th EASN International Conference aims to provide the Aeronautics and Aerospace research community a unique opportunity for being updated on research achievements as well as for networking and creating new synergies for future collaborations on a bilateral basis or in the frame of multilateral projects.
The upcoming EASN Conference builds on the success of the series of EASN events by becoming an even broader and even more comprehensive gathering of the most relative pan-European audience. This gathering is structured in a way that encourages interaction as it has been designed to foster the cooperation between participants on a multidisciplinary basis serving as a platform for sharing research activities and exchanging novel ideas for future research with a relative pan-European and global audience.

Q2: What is the scientific and technological focus of the Conference? Are there any innovations as compared to the objectives of the previous EASN Conferences?

Prof. Spiros Pantelakis and Prof. Costas Charitidis:
The topics of the EASN Conferences extend to the full field of Aviation and Space research. Like in all previous EASN events the focus lies on innovation. Obviously, topics that are currently "hot" research topics attract more attention. Hybrid propulsion, disruptive structural design concepts, 4.0 Industry and Digitalization, innovative multifunctional materials, Additive Manufacturing, the environmental footprint of processes and operation, etc. are some of these topics. Space technologies are also expected to be one of the focal points. Yet, I would like to underline the aim to facilitate synergies between aviation and automotive research. The transfer of technologies from the one sector to the other is not new. Yet, in recent years this exchange of technologies has increased appreciably and we aim to facilitate this dialogue. We would consider it as one of the main innovations of the Conference as compared to the objectives of the previous EASN Conferences.

Q3. The EASN Conference has been carried out so far in France, Germany (two times, in Munich and in Aachen), in Czech Republic, in Portugal, in Poland and in UK (two times, in Manchester and the last one in Glasgow). It is the first time that the Conference is coming to Greece. What should we expect from the Greek organizers? Which are the organizing entities in Greece? Can you say a few words about them?

Prof. Spiros Pantelakis and Prof. Costas Charitidis:
It is true that it is the first Conference of the EASN Association that will be carried out in Greece. Yet, in fact, EASN is coming back to Greece after about 15 years, as one of the first EASN Workshops, aiming to shape the EASN Association as a deliverable of the EASN project that was in progress at that time, took place in Athens. If I am not mistaken, it was in the year 2003. As you know, the Conference is co-organized by EASN, the University of Patras and the National Technical University of Athens. University of Patras is one of the leading European Universities in Aeronautics research and also one of the most competitive on this field. NTUA is the leading Technical University in Greece with strong presence in all fields of Engineering research. We are confident that we will organize a successful Conference. This confidence is increased by the fact that the EASN Conference attracts the support of all Aviation and Space Stakeholders in Greece. This will also become obvious by just having a look at the Conference Local Honorary Committee that will be announced soon. We are happy and proud about this support. In this context we have decided to integrate to the Conference a small but comprehensive exhibition that will give the chance to the participants to have a complete overview of the Greek Aviation and Space Community.

Q4: Concluding, is there any adjunct message you would like to get across to the readers of this interview?

Prof. Spiros Pantelakis:
As you know, like in all previous EASN Conferences, a General Assembly meeting of the Association will take place aside of the Conference. This General Assembly meeting will elect the new Board of Directors of the Association for a 3 years term. My intention is not to be a candidate for the next BoD. Being the Chairman of the Association since its establishment I think it is now time for me to step back and leave room for a new Chairman that will give the Association new enthusiasm and freshness. No need to say that I will keep working for the Association as hard as I can but this time from a different position. Nevertheless, I feel touched as this circle is closing for me here in Greece. Therefore, I do hope that I will have the opportunity to welcome in Athens the many decades of good Colleagues and friends I made while leading the EASN activities in the last 16 years.

Prof. Costas Charitidis:
Following the success of the previous EASN conferences it is my great honor to invite you as a Co-Chairman in the 9th EASN International Conference to be held in Athens. Our ambition is to organize an interdisciplinary event of the highest level, bringing together major disciplines of Aviation and Space. The attendees of 9th EASN International Conference will have the opportunity to interact with distinguished personalities and experts from various sectors such as Aviation, Space, Transportation, Automotive and Materials from all over the world and discuss recent advances in emerging topics. ?he event will act as a great opportunity to build upon ongoing technologies in order to establish further collaboration in the respective field. I am sure that besides the superb technical program, they will enjoy the city of Athens, as well.