Interview of Mr Roland Chemama, GMI Aero President

Interview of Mr Roland Chemama, GMI Aero President

October 17th, 2018

GMI Aero President, Mr Roland CHEMAMA, has been interviewed, on the occasion of the Continuous Professional Development (CPD) seminar on "Contemporary Challenges and Latest Innovations related to the Bonded Composite Repair of Aircraft Structures", that will take place in Paris between 18-20/6/2018, organized by the European Aeronautics Science Network - EASN and GMI Aero, the world leader in composite repair equipment and technologies.

Q1: Why is a CPD seminar necessary in the area of bonded composite repairs?
The recent venue of all-composite fuselage aircraft (A350 - B787), together with the expansion of older aircraft fleets, introduces new requirements in bonded composite repair. These contemporary repair challenges and the latest innovations in equipment and methodologies to address them need to be disseminated towards the aeronautical community in an efficient and comprehensive manner, in order to support reliable application of bonded composite repairs and further business development of repair organizations (MROs - airlines' workshops etc). This is exactly the target of the CPD seminar!

Q2: Why a CPD seminar instead of a standard training course?
Today, either theoretical classes are available through Universities for engineers or technical training courses are provided by numerous repair and training organizations for technicians. The proposed CPD will present the recent innovations and research results, as derived from the academic community, while providing practical application examples and demonstration with possibilities of hands-on experience to its participants, in an only 2-days course. This is the "strong" point of our CPD seminar, enabled through the cooperation of EASN with GMI Aero!

Q3: Who is addressed by this course?
The contents of the seminar have been structured in a way to address engineers and technicians with knowledge of composite repairs, who want to receive complementary theoretical and technical training, in order to address new challenges in their field of operations and support business development towards new markets and advanced applications. The seminar therefore mainly targets composite repair engineers and technicians (working either in engineering, technical or training departments) of airlines and MROs, as well as PhD candidates and postgraduate students, with R&D interests in bonded composite repairs and potential employment outlook in the aeronautical industry.

Q4: What is the added value from the participation in this CPD seminar?
During the seminar, experienced industrial personnel, together with academic experts, will provide an insight of recent R&I developments and critical issues in the field of bonded composite repair, ensuring that seminar participants acquire a full "process understanding" and learn "innovative solutions", to support reliable application of bonded repairs, even on Class I (safety critical) structures. In addition, participants will attend two key-note speeches from aeronautical executives, fully active in the area of composite repairs, while participating in a demonstration workshop with state-of-the-art equipment and technologies. This is the real added value of our seminar!

Q5: Are there any other benefits for the CPD seminar participants?
Apart from the advantages already discussed and as GMI Aero is an active member of Groupement des Industries Francaises Aeronautiques et Spatiales - GIFAS, Pole Astech Paris Region and Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de region Paris - Ile-de-France - CCI, participants will have the opportunity to attend jointly organized events and communicate with professionals in various fields related to aeronautics. In addition, there will be an opportunity to join a visit at Le Bourget Air Show on a date reserved for professionals (20/6), while it would be needless to mention the overall pleasure from the visit of seminar participants in Paris... We really look forward to welcoming you!