ACARE INCO workshop for future EU research projects

ACARE INCO workshop for future EU research projects

September 18th, 2018

Future propulsion and integration: towards a hybrid/electric aircraft

Purpose: identify on the European side the current and draft proposals answering the call and the associated coordinators; identify the potential partners.
Venue: Eurocontrol - Rue de la Fus?e 96, 1130 Bruxelles, Belgium

Room: Neptune

Time: 9:30 - 16:00
Proposed agenda:
9:30 -  Welcome, roundtable, approval of the agenda
10:00 - Presentation of draft proposals / Stakeholders? positions (15-20 minutes each, depending on a number of speakers)
13:00 - Lunch
14:00 - Brainstorming and definition of the way forward
15:45 - Conclusions, actions
16:00 - End of the meeting

Please contact the organisers by email