Interview of Dr. Jean-Francois Brouckaert, Project Officer Sustainable and Green Engines at Clean Sky

Interview of Dr. Jean-Francois Brouckaert, Project Officer Sustainable and Green Engines at Clean Sky

March 26th, 2018

Dr. Jean-Francois Brouckaert offered an interview about the role and involvement of the Clean Sky Academy to the European Academic Community.

Q1: What is the Clean Sky Academy?
The Clean Sky Academy working group, which was re-launched in 2017, is aimed at establishing a direct link with representative organisations like EASN, Pegasus and EREA, and from this year also CEAS and EUROAVIA, with the scope to promote the involvement of academia in the programme, and foster the Clean Sky dissemination in the related networks. It is a dedicated group complementing the advisory bodies of the JU (Scientific Committee and State Representative Group).

Q2: What are the main areas of activities of this group?
The CS Academy supports the CS2JU and provides advice in the form of reports, opinions and recommendations on:

  • Dissemination and communication initiatives
  • Educational aspects
  • The Clean Sky PhD Awards initiative
  • Help to identify long-term Research activities, promoting academic inputs, in line with the Clean Sky objectives.
  • Advising on possible support actions

Q3: Is the composition of the group fixed?
The Terms of reference of the CS Academy state the composition of the group, based on two representatives from each entity (EASN, EREA and Pegasus) and one from CEAS and EUROAVIA, plus up to 4 external independent experts.

Q4: Is there a special award coordinated by the CS Academy?
The Clean Sky Academy is actively involved in the Clean Sky PhD Award for the best PhD theses on aeronautical projects related to Clean Sky, to increase the students? awareness of the Clean Sky programme and related potential for their future involvement. We are at the third edition this year. We closed the call and are currently processing the 29 proposals received. The award will be assigned in a ceremony at ILA Berlin in April.