Interview of Prof. Konstantinos Kontis, Member of the Board of Director of EASN as Scientific Advisory Officer

Interview of Prof. Konstantinos Kontis, Member of the Board of Director of EASN as Scientific Advisory Officer

January 8th, 2018

EASN Association recently launched a new activity, the Continuous Professional Development (CDP) programme. Prof. Konstantinos Kontis, Professor of Aerospace Engineering at University of Glasgow and member of the Board of Director of EASN as Scientific Advisory Officer, gives the rationale behind this initiative of the Association.

Q1: EASN is launching the concept of the Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Courses. Could you please explain this concept?

Continuous Professional Development (CPD) activities are useful to professionals looking to enhance existing skills, or keeping abreast of current thinking without the commitment to full-time education. This concept enables the aims of EASN Association and works in tandem with its existing activities and partnerships.

Q2: What has been the motivation for initiating the Continuous Professional Development Courses?

The primary aim of the EASN Association is the advancement of the aeronautics sciences and technologies. We support the organization of and participation to activities related to scientific knowledge and technology transfer. By exploiting our links to industry, academia and government and with existing pool of highly-skilled professionals, EASN is best placed to provide current, and industry relevant training and education across a range of subject areas aligned to ASTERA Taxonomy. We have also access to many world-class, large scale and national facilities that can enhance and enrich the quality and value of our CPD activities.

Q3: Who is addressed by these Courses?

Our CPD activities are addressed to professionals, industrialists, as well as PhD students from inside and outside Europe. They are focused on all aspects related to aviation science, research achievements on edge technologies and disseminating good engineering practices in the relevant technologies. We are planning to start the implementation of the CPD activities in 2018 by hosting a short-course entitled: Electrification of Transport Aircraft: Design, Flight and Flow Control Systems Integration on Friday 7th September 2018 which will be attached to the 8th EASN-CEAS International Workshop on Manufacturing for Growth & Innovation in Glasgow, UK.

We hope to see you there!