7th EASN International Conference on Innovation in European Aeronautics Research

7th EASN International Conference on Innovation in European Aeronautics Research

October 3rd, 2017

The EASN Association, the Warsaw University of Technology (Faculty of Power & Aeronautical Engineering - Institute of Aeronautics & Applied Mechanics - Department of Aircraft Design) and the Conference Organisers would like to say a big thank you to Key Note Speakers, Session Chairs, Authors and Presenters, the members of the Scientific Committee and everyone else who has contributed to make this Conference, the largest, and most comprehensive gathering of the Association yet.

The 7th EASN International Conference, was successfully held from 26th to 29th of September, in Warsaw, Poland. The event included 11 ?ey - ?ote Lectures and more than 250 technical presentations distributed in approximately 50 sessions, where more than 280 participants from 30 countries had the chance to attend the presentations of more than 220 speakers from running or recently completed research projects with new upstream ideas for future research.

More than 250 abstracts were submitted while more than 100 full papers have been included and published in the 7th EASN Conference's proceedings and a number of selected papers will be published in international journals following peer review. The international journals in which full papers will be published are the following:

  1. Aircraft Engineering & Aerospace Technology Journal
  2. Frattura ed Integrita Strutturale (Fracture and Structural Integrity)
  3. International Journal of Structural Integrity
  4. Journal of Aerospace Technology
  5. Journal of Intelligent Unmanned Systems
During the four days gathering, distinguished Key-Note guests updated the delegates on the future Industrial trends and the European priorities with respect to the medium and long-term goals. More specifically,
  • European Commission's Mrs Clara de la Torre, Director for Transport, DG Research & Innovation spoke about "Chances and challenges for research in aeronautics within H2020" while Mr. Alan Haigh, Head of Department - Horizon 2020 Energy and Transport, INEA Executive Agency shared his viewpoint on "INEA's role in implementing Aviation research in H2020: feedback from 3 years of operations".
  • The Managing Director and Site Leader at GE Engineering Design Centre (Institute of Aviation) Dr. Marian Lubieniecki presented the "Design & Research Philosophy in the Environment of Global Competition"
  • Dr. Bruno Stoufflet, Vice-President Scientific Strategic, R&D and Advanced Projects of Dassault Aviation spoke about the "Challenges of business jets technological developments"
  • Mr. Hannes Ross, Design Advisor and Consultant for the Swiss Project Solar Impulse made a presentation on "Flying Around The World With Solar Power - A Success Story"
  • Dr. Fay Collier, Associate Director for Flight Strategy, Integrated Aviation Systems Program, NASA Langley Research Centre shared his viewpoint on "Accelerating market introduction of emerging innovations through integrated technology demonstrations"
  • Mr. Bruno Sainjon, Chairman of Association of European Research Establishments in Aeronautics (EREA) focused on: "EREA - a major contributor to the implementation of ACARE's SRIA"
  • Dr. Bruce Holmes, Vice President and Executive Director of the Skytelligence Group, SmartSky Networks presented his viewpoint on "Connected, Networked Aircraft and The Future of On-Demand Air Mobility"
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mirko Hornung, from Bauhaus Luftfahrt e.V. presented the "Aviation 5.0 - Challenges and Solutions for 2050"
  • Mr. Christophe Hermans, President of the Council of European Aerospace Societies (CEAS) spoke about the "Aerospace Europe: strengthening collaboration & knowledge dissemination"
  • Last but not least, Dr. Frank Anton, from Siemens eAircraft, presented the "Electric propulsion for aircraft"
Finally and responding to the increasing interest from the European Aeronautics Community for a scientific event which offers a forum for discussion and exchange of information about state-of-the-art research and development activities in Aeronautics and Air Transport, EASN has announced its 8th EASN-CEAS International Workshop on Manufacturing for Growth & Innovation to be held on September 4 - 7, 2018 in Glasgow, UK co-organised with the CEAS and the University of Glasgow.

The issue of 7th EASN International Conference Proceedings the Key-Note presentations and other related material can be found here.