EASN Newsletter - April 2017

EASN Newsletter - April 2017

April 25th, 2017

The second EASN Newsletter for 2017 is now published.

This edition contains information on the main recent undertakings of the European Aeronautical community, as well as on some of the topmost upcoming news and events.
Firstly, find inside the second announcement for the 7th EASN International Conference to be held in Warsaw, Poland between the 26th and 29th of September, in the frame of which a series of Thematic Workshops and Technical Sessions will be held. Moreover, we are pleased to announce that around 200 high-quality works will be presented in approximately 45 sessions and 9 distinguished personalities of the aeronautics community will give a key-note lecture in the frame of the Conference.
This latest issue also contains a joint interview of Mr. Christophe Hermans, president of the Council of European Aerospace Societies - CEAS and prof. Spiros Pantelakis in the frame of the mutual agreement signed by CEAS and EASN in order to intensify Cooperation in the field of aeronautical Science and Technology.
The EASN newsletter, in an attempt to acknowledge the initiative of Clean Sky Joint Undertaking to enhance high-quality academia aeronautics research in Europe, passes the floor to the winners of the Best Clean Sky PhD Awards who received their awards during the second day of the Clean Sky 1 Closing Event. First prize was awarded to Dr. Fei Gao (University of Nottingham) for his thesis "Decentralised Control and Stability Analysis of a Multi-Generator Based Electrical Power System for More Electric Aircraft". Second and third places went respectively to Dr. Vincenzo Citro (University of Salerno) and Dr. Angeliki Chanteli (University of Patras).
Finally, the current issue holds a series of other engaging topics including the latest achievements and results of a number of EU-funded research projects.

The newsletter is available for on-line viewing here.