EASN Newsletter - June 2016

EASN Newsletter - June 2016

June 21st, 2016

The second EASN Newsletter for 2016 is now published.

This edition contains information on the recent undertakings of the European Aeronautical community, as well as on some of the topmost upcoming news and events.
The 6th EASN International Conference to be held in Porto between the 18th and 21st of October has announced a series of Thematic Workshops and Technical Sessions. During the Conference several European Labs and Research Establishments will be present in a dedicated exhibition and there is still place for Companies and Institutions wishing to exhibit.
This Newsletter contains a very interesting interview of Bruno Sainjon, Chairman and CEO of ONERA and newly elected Chairman of EREA and one interview of Victoria Mozo Montemayor and Manuel Sanchez-Blanco of SENASA on Alternative Fuels.
As always, the current issue includes a series of other engaging topics, such as the 6th Symposium on Hybrid RANS-LES Methods to take place in Strasbourg, France, from 26 to 28 September 2016, a new development of surface pre-treatments on Ti6Al4V components to improve multi-material joining from CIDETEC and many more articles including the latest achievements and results of a number of EU-funded research projects.

The newsletter is available for on-line viewing here.