EASN Newsletter - March 2016

EASN Newsletter - March 2016

March 21st, 2016

The first periodic EASN newsletter of 2016 is now published.

This edition contains information on the recent undertakings of the European Aeronautical community, as well as on some of the topmost upcoming news and events.
A dual event was held by EASN in Brussels on February 16th 2016, a Parliamentary Breakfast on "Taking off to the future of European Aviation... is aviation science still on board?" and an Open EASN Workshop on "Academic aviation research in the light of the new realities - Do we perform the research that is needed?". The events were attended by several Members of the European Parliament as well as numerous key figures of the aviation community.

Also, very interesting interviews addressing gender issues, are offered by three successful women within the aerospace family; Valerie Guenon, Alexandra Karanika and Maria Angeles Martin Prats.

As always, the current EASN Newsletter issue includes a series of other engaging topics, such as the Clean Sky Forum to be held on April 4th in Brussels, a new test method for measuring ILS strength and modulus of fibre-reinforced composite laminates, a new 4D ice shape mapping technique and many more, including the latest achievements and results of a number of EU-funded research projects.

The newsletter is available for on-line viewing here.