Parliamentary breakfast & EASN workshop on upstream research

Parliamentary breakfast & EASN workshop on upstream research

February 24th, 2016

Hosted by MEP Dr. Dieter-Lebrecht Koch, the EASN Association organised on Tuesday, February 16th 2016 a Parliamentary Breakfast in the premises of the European Parliament. Under the title: "Taking off to the future of European Aviation; is aviation science still on board?" several Members of the European Parliament (MEP) as well as numerous participants from the aviation community were present to be informed and to discuss on highly relevant topics.

  • Academic research for seamless and affordable air transport in Eu
  • Intermodality as innovation driver
  • Innovation and breakthrough technologies in aviation as an indispensable condition to ensure competitiveness and global leadership of the European Aviation
  • Open dissemination of knowledge and breakthrough technologies to ensure trans-sectorial exploitation of innovation
  • How to achieve an integrated European aviation education system

More information available here