AircraftFire project Final Workshop

AircraftFire project Final Workshop

August 1st, 2014

AircraftFire: Fire risks assessment and increase of passenger survivability
Toulouse, France, 9th-10th September 2014

This final AircraftFire Workshop brings together interested people from science (researchers from academia and research centers), from industry (engineers, aircraft designers, parts manufacturers) and professionals from or related to public services, who are working and involved in the field of Fire Safety in aeronautics.

In the past 20 years, the fire threat in aeronautics has been drastically reduced. But in new generation aircrafts the massive use of flammable composites, substituting metallic structural elements, changes the understanding of fire risk, and can influence the fire safety approach for passenger and crew safety and survivability during fire incidents or accidents.

For more information about the workshop and the registration process visit