CS2-EASN Joint Workshop on the Participation of Academia in Clean Sky 2

CS2-EASN Joint Workshop on the Participation of Academia in Clean Sky 2

January 24th, 2014

The CS2-EASN Joint Workshop on the Participation of Academia in Clean Sky 2 was successfully realized on Thursday, January 23rd at the premises of Clean Sky JU in Brussels, Belgium. 

The workshop was attended by key personalities from both Clean Sky and EASN, and allowed room for a fruitful discussion on the future horizons of European Aeronautics and the role of competent academia in it. Clean Sky representatives presented a brief overview of the goals set in Clean Sky 2, definitions for Core partners and requirements for applications. Academic representatives had the chance to express their questions and to clarify the opportunities for their participation in Clean Sky 2 partner calls. 
You can view the workshop material here: http://www.easn.net/documents/3/

Related files: CS-EASN_workshop_invitation_092853_104845.pdf