European Aeronautics Science Week

European Aeronautics Science Week

November 22nd, 2013

European Aeronautics Science Week is expected to be an important and highly visited open event that will take place in all 28 EU countries. 

Be an active part of European Aeronautics Science Week!

The European Aeronautics and air transport industry is seeking for talented young men and women to support its constantly growing needs. In an attempt to motivate and raise the interest of young Europeans in scientific and technical studies and careers related to aeronautics and air transport, Promo-Air intends to organize an event hosted by Universities and Institutes, namely the European Aeronautics Science Week.

What is European Aeronautics Science Week?
European Aeronautics Science Week is expected to be an important and highly visited open event that will take place in the 28 EU countries. 

During this week, students will be invited to:
i. Visit a local university or Institute dealing with aeronautical research where they will be offered a tour, a short presentation of the facilities and hand-on experience.
ii. Watch attractive educational material with state-of-the-art research results of recent and current Aeronautics and Air Transport projects.
iii. Take part in a serious game competition, the winners of which will win a visit to an aeronautical industry and possibly a future in Aeronautics!

When & Where
European Aeronautics Science Week will take place in parallel in Universities & Institutes located in the 28 European member countries in the first half of 2015.

Open Call
Several Universities and Institutes around Europe have already positively reacted to this call. If you are interested to support and organize an Open Day, where secondary school students and teachers from your area will be invited to explore the fascinating world of aeronautics, then contact us via email: promo-air(at)

Help us raise the interest of young people in Aeronautics!!!