3rd EASN workshop outcome

3rd EASN workshop outcome

October 21st, 2013

The 3rd International workshop on Aerostructures of the European Aeronautics Science Network (EASN) was successfully hosted by Politecnico di Milano  from 9th until 11th October 2013 and was part of the celebratory activities of the 150° Anniversary of the foundation of Politecnico di Milano.


More than 120 participants attended the workshop and a total of 90 papers were presented in 3 parallel sessions. Most of the papers  in question were developed in the frame of running FP7 projects and were objects of a plethora of interesting discussions, spanning a wide variety of matters in aerostructure design: from composite materials to new coating processes as repairing techniques, from security and reliability to cost efficiency and much more.  Additionally, scientific results from 27 running research projects were presented thus accenting the Workshop as a major European dissemination event for new knowledge and emerging technologies related to aerostructures.  Consequently, it is  expected that the works presented  during the Workshop will  have a strong impact on addressing new researches and projects. In this context, two special issues on prestigious scientific journals dedicated to the workshop have been launched. Furthermore, well known invited speakers updated the delegates about the newest opportunities for carrying out aeronautics related research as well as on applying for European funds.
During the workshop the General Assembly of the EASN Association took place together with the election of the new Board of Directors (BoD), which will lead the actions of EASN for the following three years. In this context, we wish the new members of the BoD an intense and fruitful work with the goal to further improve the remarkable results obtained by the Association in the past years and  indicated by the EASN President, Prof. Spiros Pantelakis, in his introductory speech.

Finally, we would like to thank the invited speakers, Dr. Giovanni Bertolone, Dr. Michael  Kyriakopoulos, Dr. Giuseppe Pagnano, and Dr. Helge Pfeiffer for joining the workshop and for their interesting presentations; the sponsors, Stress Tech and Agilent Technologies, for supporting the event, Politecnico di Milano for the logistic support, and, last but not least, all delegates for their valuable contribution.

We are looking forward to meeting you all at the next EASN Association Workshop, which will be soon announced on the EASN website.

Prof. Mario Guagliano                                                           Prof. Spiros Pantelakis

Chairman of the Workshop                                                   Co-Chairman of the Workshop