EASN participation at the ASD Convention

EASN participation at the ASD Convention

November 24th, 2012

EASN had a significant presence at the last ASD Convention which was held in Lisbon on October 10-12, 2012. This presence is indicative of the very good cooperation and relations between the Association of AeroSpace and Defence Industries and the European Aeronautics Science Network Association.

Two presentations were dedicated to EASN. The first presentation, entitled "The EASN Network: Its objectives and activities" was made at the Technology Forum for Ideas and Talents, had a duration of 30 minutes and was held by Prof. Fulvia Quagliotti, (Technical University of Turin, member of the Board of Directors of the EASN Association).

The second presentation, entitled "Success stories within the frame of the EASN activities" was made also at the Technology Forum for Ideas and Talents, had a duration of 30 minutes and was shared between Prof. J. Rokicki  (Warsaw University Technology) and Prof. Sp. Pantelakis (University of Patras, EASN Chairman).

Furthermore, Spiros Pantelakis represented EASN at the Workshop "Sustainable Research and Innovation". The Workshop has been moderated by Mr. Giovanni Bertolone, (Formal Advisor on Aerospace to the Italian Minister of Education, University and Chairman of ASD R&T Commission) and had a duration of 1h and 45 minutes. The speakers at this Workshop were:  
- Maria da Graca Carvalho, MEP, Member of the European Parliament?s Committee on Industry, Research and Energy
- Luisa Innocenti, ESA Clean Space Manager
- Axel Krein, Senior Vice-President R&T, Airbus
- Prof. Krzystof Kurzyd?owsky, Warsaw University of Technology, Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Spiros Pantelakis, President of the EASN Network
- Michel Peters, Vice-Chairman EREA
- Andras Siegler, Director Transport, DG RTD, European Commission

The topics discussed during the Workshop included ACARE SRIA, upstream research, Enhancing industry leadership: enabling technologies, manufacturing processes, space science, Providing green and sustainable air transport, Do we have the appropriate tools to take aerospace science further?, Cooperation between the Primes? and the Supply Chain R&I as a way of  optimizing the H2020 funding, Other forms of cooperation in R&I (tripartite R&I; internationalization strategies)  and Academia-Industry cooperation: Technology transfer or common ownership of knowledge?  
The very interesting and fruitful Workshop was carried out in Pavilion 4 and was attended by a high number of participants of the ASD Convention.