The DOMMINIO project – “Digital method for imprOved Manufacturing of next-generation MultIfuNctIOnal airframe parts” was launched on January 20, 2021, marked by the consortium’s virtual kick-off meeting. Funded by the European Commission Horizon 2020 Programme and part of the 2018-2020 call for Mobility for Growth (MG), DOMMINIO will run for 42 months.
The transition to the usage of advanced composite materials in the aeronautical industry, along with the growth in aircraft production, increase the challenges in the design and manufacturing of cost-effective aircraft structures and components, allowing weight and fuel consumption, reduction, shorter manufacturing cycles and increased energy efficiency in aircraft fabrication. The DOMMINIO project aims to develop a methodology to ensure cost-effective, efficient and sustainable manufacturing of high quality multifunctional and intelligent airframe parts, based on: Robotized technologies (ATL, FFF), Advanced simulation tools, On-line process & quality monitoring, SHM (Structural Health monitoring) methods enabled by real time data-driven fault detection.
DOMMINIO is coordinated by Asociación de Investigación Metalúrgica del Noroeste (AIMEN) bringing together a balanced consortium of 13 partners (National Technical University of Athens, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers, Centre Technique Industriel de la Plasturgie et des Composites, Fundación IMDEA Materiales, National Institute for Aerospace Research "Elie Carafoli", TORTECH Nano Fibers LTD, DASEL SL, Innovation in Research & Engineering Solutions, EASN Technology Innovation Services, BAE SYSTEMS, ESI Group, ACITURRI Engineering SL) from academia, research institutes, SMEs and LE, providing the needed expertise to ensure the achievement, exploitation and deployment of the project’s results.
Currently approaching the end of its first semester, the DOMMINIO consortium has a) accomplished the milestone regarding the project’s visual identity, communication toolkit & public website development, b) clarified ethics requirements, c) developed the first issue of the Quality Assurance Plan, and d) has been working on the manufacturing systems specifications and conceptual design framework.
For more information and regular updates of the DOMMINIO project visit the DOMMINIO official website and DOMMINIO social media pages: LinkedIn | Twitter