Only 2 days left for the beginning of the 10th EASN Virtual Conference on Innovation in Aviation & Space to the Satisfaction of the European Citizens.
It is the first time that the EASN annual gathering is going virtual and this surely represents a big challenge for the EASN Conference Organizing Committee. We, the EASN Team, we are doing our very best to rise to the occasion! We feel honoured and proud to organize the sole aviation & space related conference during the challenging times of COVID-19 and thus offer a small contribution to Europe’s efforts back to normality.
The Organizing Committee is ready to virtually welcome the participants of the EASN Conference between the 2nd and the 4th September 2020. So far, more than 350 scientists, engineers and policy makers are expected to join this virtual event where about 323 technical presentations will be distributed in approximately 47 sessions. The final agenda of the EASN Virtual Conference has been released and you may find it here. Among others, the EASN Virtual Conference's programme includes:
- 9 Κey-Νote Lectures
- An extended dissemination of the activities performed in the frame of the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking (CSJU), showcased in two dedicated Workshops and a number of further CS projects.
- A Workshop which disseminates the major achievements of more than 20 collaborative research projects, funded under H2020, with the support of INEA.
- A variety of technical workshops on emerging scientific and technological topics
- A number of sessions focusing on significan issues in the context of the European Aeronautics research area. Special attention is given to the implementation of Open Science as well as to the Impact Assesment of the performed research.
The 10th EASN Virtual Conference will be performed with the kind support of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking, LEONARDO S.p.a, Italian Aerospace Research Centre (CIRA) and Fraunhofer IPT. The event is kindly sponsored by LEONARDO S.p.a.
Looking forward to e - meeting you and make the 2020 EASN Conference one more successful gathering of the EASN Association!