EASN Newsletter - December 2012

EASN news



2nd EASN Association Workshop on Flight Physics & Propulsion, combined with the General Assembly

EASN carried out its anual workshop dedicated to "Flight Physics and Propulsion" between October 31st and November 2nd, 2012. Nine currently running projects as well as JTI Clean Sky were represented and shared their latest achievements and progress. The workshop was combined with the annaul General Assembly of the EASN association. The workshop proceedings , the agenda, the respective presentations, and the papers that were presented during the workshop, are available on the EASN website.

Interview of Mr Giovanni Bertolone, Chairman of the ASD R&T Commission

Mr. Giovanni Bertolone, in his capacity of Chairman of R&T Commission in ASD shared his views and opinions on the cooperation of the European Aeronautics Industry with the Academia. Read the interview on the EASN website.

Interview of Mr. Eric Dautriat, Executive Director of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking

Mr. Eric Dautriat, in his capacity of Executive Director of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking, explains the current status of the negotiations regarding "Clean Sky 2" and its main goals. Read the interview on the EASN website

EASN participation at the ASD Convention

EASN had a significant presence at the last ASD Convention which was held in Lisbon on October 10-12, 2012. This presence is indicative of the very good cooperation and relations between the Association of AeroSpace and Defence Industries and the European Aeronautics Science Network Association. Read more on the EASN website.

3rd International Conference of Engineering Against Failure, ICEAF III

The ICEAF III conference is held under the auspices of EASN and the Federation of European Materials Societies (FEMS).The scope of the Conference is to attract interdisciplinary work dedicated to the design against and prevention of engineering failure. Works are expected to cover a number of different technological areas including Aeronautics, Construction, Automotive, Bioengineering, Recycling, etc. Read more

3rd EASN Association Workshop on Aerostructures

EASN Announces the 3rd EASN Association Workshop on Aerostructures that will take place from October 23-25, 2013. The Workshop is co-organized by Politecnico di Milano and will take place  in the Bovisa Campus, Politecnico di Milano.

EASN position paper on Clean Sky II

Following an open consultation process within its members, EASN formulated the Academia position with respect to the continuation of Clean Sky . The position paper has been submitted to the EC and the CS team. Read the final document on the EASN website.

News from the Aeronautical community





The High Altitude Ice Crystals (HAIC) project aims at enhancing aircraft safety when flying in mixed phase and glaciated icing conditions. Coordinated by Airbus, the HAIC Consortium brings together 34 partners from 11 European countries and 5 International partners.

Airbus organized a 2-day event on October 8th – 9th 2012, hosted by Meteo France in Toulouse, during which the official launch of the HAIC project took place. In anticipation of regulation changes according to mixed phase and glaciated icing conditions, the HAIC project will provide the necessary Acceptable Means of Compliance and appropriate ice particle detection/awareness technologies to the European Aeronautics industry.




The 12 month progress meeting of the HERMES project (http://www.hermes-project.net/) took place on the 30th October 2012 in Prague. A live demonstration of the “transport research access portal was given. The portal is now linked with most major transportation research databases and scheduled to go public 04/2013.



SARISTUThe 1st Annual Review Meeting was conducted on the 20th of September 2012 in Brussels, where the project progress and achievements were presented. The comments of the assessors and the project officer were very positive, with only few actions proposed with no major impact on project progression and planning.
During the first year, SARISTU focused heavily on the completion of the specification phase as well as the launch of the design phase, individual test campaigns and initial work on the individual concept assessments. Further details are available in the publishable report summary on the SARISTU website: http://www.saristu.eu.




EASN endorsed projects: Latest achievements


ENCOMB aims at identifying, developing, and adapting advanced non-destructive testing (NDT) methods for assessment of adhesive bond quality of CFRP structures for aeronautic applications. Along three test campaigns representing relevant application scenarios for aircraft manufacturing and in-service bonded repair the techniques are being optimized for detection of contaminations / degradations and resulting weak bonds.
Two test campaigns have been completed and the novel NDT techniques have been adapted to detect contamination of CFRP samples by moisture and silicone-based release agent down to relevant threshold values. The last test campaign is now being planned focusing on contamination by hydraulic fluid, on thermal degradation and poorly cured adhesive.

The IASS project was officially launched during the two day September 2012 Kick-off meeting held at the University of Salerno. IASS focuses on overcoming the existing drawbacks related to technical targets required for aeronautical composite materials through the development of new multifunctional self-healing reinforced composites.
These multifunctional composites can reduce the effects of accidents and the operating costs of aircrafts through the reduction in fuel consumption due to development of new cost- effective lightweight materials, leading to significant improvements in transport safety.


INMA The INMA project (http://www.inmaproject.eu) which aims to develop an innovative manufacturing technology for complex aircraft and engine Ti components using asymmetric incremental sheet forming (AISF), lean heating and knowledge-based (KB) modeling has generated new results.
First promising predictions of material spring-back based on KB models have been obtained. By using the predicted geometric deviations a corrected shape has been designed and fabricated. Material characterization data for cold and hot formed materials have also been generated. Finally, the setting up of a prototype device for globally heated AISF is progressing.

IN-LIGHTThe overall objective of the IN-LIGHT (Innovative bifunctional aircraft window for lighting control to enhance passenger comfort) is to contribute to the improvement of the passengers comfort through the development of a new concept of bifunctional aircraft window combining two technologies: Electrochromism and Transparent OLED lighting (TOLED).
The coordinator, IK4-CIDETEC, hosted a two-day event on November 26th – 27th, 2012 at its facilities in San Sebastian, during which the official launch of the project took place. Besides the formal project kick off, the meeting provided an opportunity for the partners to meet, obtain an overview of the entire project and initiate the first activities and interactions.

QUICOMQUICOM (Quantitative inspection of complex composite aeronautic parts using advanced X-ray techniques) was officially launched during the two day Kick-off Meeting held during November 19-20 at the Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences located in Wels.
The project focuses on developing a new technology platform of highly detailed inspection methods, in combination with advanced composite modelling and simulation. It is expected to generate new concepts and methods based on cutting edge X-ray techniques, which aim to escalate conventional non-destructive techniques in aeronautics on the short run and to replace them on the long run.



News from EASN members



Aerodynamic Research Group of Aalto University will conduct a research program on anti-ice fluids during winter period 2012-13. Aerodynamic forces of an anti-iced rotating three element wing section will be measured during simulated take-offs. Effect of frost on aerodynamics will also be studied.



A Tactical Class UAS is designed and manufactured in Aerospace Engineering Department of Middle East Technical University, Turkey, by a team under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Nafiz Alemdaroglu.
The UAV has a wing span of 4.3 meters and conventional take-off and landing capability. It carries 20 kg of payload, has a maximum endurance of 6 hours and is equipped with an autopilot. It can be used in a large variety of civilian missions, from surveillance to environmental research.

For more information, please contact nafiz@metu.edu.tr



IRF' 2013

4th International Conference on
Funchal, 23-27 June 2013








Within the CEMCAST Project a new method for measuring the strains and displacement of Skytruck side plating reinforcement was developed. For simultaneously observation of both specimen sides - two synchronized DIC (Aramis) systems was used.






A Novel Approach for Trajectory Tracking and Collision Avoidance of UAVs, developed by “Flight Mechanics Research Team” of Politecnico di Torino
The proposed Flight Management System (FMS) exploits Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC), based on Genetic Optimization (GO). The FMS tracks in real-time the path provided with the path planning algorithm KinematicA* to avoid obstacles detected with the Sense&Avoid system.

External website link for more information: http://porto.polito.it/view/creators/De_Filippis=3ALuca=3A023171=3A.html




Rogante Engineering Office (REO) is a reference point for industrial applications of neutron techniques for the non-destructive analysis of materials and parts, helping their quality improvement. Special treatment of neutron data have been developed for industrial purposes, as REO is qualified supplier of various Firms and Institutions at an international level.

External website link for more information: http://www.roganteengineering.com




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